
إقرأ المزيد http://www.condaianllkhir.com/2012/08/like-tweet-google-plus.html#ixzz2kiZQHcsI

الاثنين، 4 يونيو 2012

web developer

Job: Web Developer “PHP”
• Job location: Cairo, Egypt.
3+ years exp. in web development.
Expert in web technologies – PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, OOP, JavaScript, Linux, jQuery, CMS, LAMP& AJAX.
Knowledge of any of below would be beneficial: DNS, Apache web server and/or Linux administration. XML, RSS and other cross platform skills.
Experience in Custom Web Design will be an advantage.
Can work independent or with little supervision.

Kindly include reference in mail subject
E - mail :  xxxmrshadyxxx@gmail.com

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